Monday, February 14, 2011

Types of Bullying

Verbal Bullying
Cyber Bullying

Physical Bullying

What do you do if you witness bullying?

Let's say that there's a student named Chris that was getting bullied and his friend named Mike was watching him get bullied but Mike didn't know what he should do? 

In this situation anyone who sees this should notify an adult right away.   

What are some of the minor and major consequences of bullying?

After frequent bullying, the victim might become depress or permanently have anxiety.  If the symptoms become worse the victim may take there anger out by murder or suicide. 

What is bullying?

Bullying is aggression shown by a person who is referred to the bully.  A person can be bullied physically or verbally.  

During a bully's childhood they never learned alternatives of showing anger and that's why they bullying happens.